Torrent Galaxy: A decent database of torrents, good search features, and a clean website design make Torrent Galaxy another site you want to include in your search.The site search functionality is good enough and the site has a nice, clean design. ETTV Torrents: This is a good, active site that includes television episodes.You can see the complete list in their Sites in our index page.

Torrentz2: This is like a super torrent index, searching for torrents across dozens of other torrent sites.However, if you don't mind watching movies on your PC, you'll find plenty of options here, and you can watch them as often as you like. Popcorn Time: Popcorn Time is a site dedicated to streaming movies for free, so in the strictest of terms, it's not a torrent download site.You should use caution when accessing these sites from public computers or with children present. The advertisements on many of these sites are often of the NSFW variety.